Cthulhu fhtagn!

Age 40, Male

Russia, Moscow

Joined on 8/8/01

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dz2001's News

Posted by dz2001 - September 17th, 2009

Momentum Missile Mayhem 4 is finally released. Its not doing as well as I expected... maybe I shouldn't have returned to these series and delayed my RPG project.

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I will now either make an addon-thingy to mmm4, Siege Tank Survival, where you play as a tank and can build towers. Or I will get back to my fallout-inspired RPG project.
Also here's the screenshot from my next game:


Posted by dz2001 - August 17th, 2009

Momentum Missile Mayhem 4 Public BETA is online!!

This is a kind of raw version. haven't played it much myself. (Finished it 2 times and thats it)
So the point is to let YOU tell me whats wrong with the game, what should be fixed etc...


I need an artist to draw me a logo/title-thingy for MMM4, I'm currently using the same I used in MMM3. You can see it on the picture below. I made it and I'm NOT an artist.

Anyone interested in making a logo thingy for me?
If I use your art in my game I will pay you something but Im NOT looking for an artist for hire. Dont bother if money is the only thing that interests you.

Need Artist! Momentum Missile Mayhem 4 BETA!

Posted by dz2001 - August 5th, 2009

Momentum Missile Mayhem is 90% finished at the moment. These last 10% usually take long though... I doubt I will be able to release it in august since I'm going on a vacation to Europe (and to EuroFurence 15 =^.^=)

So the game will be released in September... probably :P

I will release a demo version on armorgames.com soon though!

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I need your help to find music for MMM4 in AUDIO PORTAL. Post links to the tracks you find appropriate for the game. Don't suggest anything besides audio portal submissions, please.

Momentum Missile Mayhem 4! Help Find Music!

Posted by dz2001 - June 9th, 2009

I'm currently working on two flash games, a fallout inspired RPG - Project Wasteland
and the next game in MMM series.

My artist is busy with his diploma project, hasn't drawn anything for months >:(

Project Wasteland development is on hold till I get A LOT of new art...

So I put all the effort in making MMM 4, got some new ideas:

Actually there will be TWO games, in the first one you have a Mobile Gravity Launcher at your disposal. Its pretty much like MMM1 and MMM2 only the launcher is a moving vehicle.
In the second one you will control a Siege Tank and will be able to build different kinds of turrets to support it, kind of a tower-defense twist :P

Enemies will be shooting back now!

See for yourself:

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Since my artist is busy I have no new art for this game th the moment. I'm working on the code and using stuff from my previous games to test it. The final version will look differently!
I'm also looking for an artist who would draw me a pipboy-like character (see Fallout) for my Project Wasteland RPG. For skills, perks, stats.
Like on the picture below:

Momentum Missile Mayhem 4!!!

Posted by dz2001 - April 13th, 2009

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I'm currently working on a fallout inspired flash rpg. Its only combat now, but when I finish it,
there will be everything a good RPG should have, towns with merchants and quest npcs, freedom to go wherever you want on the world map, lots of items and foes :P At least thats how I'm seeing it at the moment...

Combat will be turn based, however as soon as you kill all the enemies on the level the game will switch to real time mode, so that you can look around, loot corpses and interact with any items on current level.

I don't know how much time all this will take, so there is no release date yet :P
I'm working on a combat beta now, where you will be able to create character, select map and foes and fight... like a deathmatch or something. That should help me work on the leveling system, balance etc... I'm hoping to release combat beta before summer.

P.S. Yeah, there are some items ripped from fallout, there will be no ripped graphics in the final release.

Project Wasteland, a Fallout-inspired flash rpg

Posted by dz2001 - March 25th, 2009

I lold xD

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also here is a screenshot from my next game :P


Posted by dz2001 - February 9th, 2009

I'm releasing a new game, its called


It's a turn-based strategy... with spiders... and scorpions in it :P
Check out the beta version here: http://armorgames.com/play/3156/arachn id-wars

I need your help: please, report any bugs/errors or problems you might encounter in the game, ask me if you don't understand something, that might help me improve the tutorial.

Arachnid Wars BETA

Posted by dz2001 - September 13th, 2008

Here you go:

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UPD1: If you want to post something proving me wrong - READ THE WHOLE DAMN POST FIRST. It's really annoyng to read about stuff I already commented. I would delete your messages otherwise.
And check the links below, I'm not basing my statements on mass media hysteria and ignorant articles in the press.
And shut the hell up about my spelling. I'm Russian.

Did you know that we are all going to die before the end of this year?
The planet will most likely be destroyed by Large Hadron Collider, which has been launched
at the border between Switzerland and France (build by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)). From now on they are going to conduct experiments, increasing the energies involved.

More on the upcoming apocalypse later... as for now - don't forget do download my games:



Ok. LHC, the biggest machine ever build by man. You have heard about it, right? Its all over the news and internet now.

If you haven't, here are some videos explaining what it is:

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crazy, obsessed scientists behind the lhc project:

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And if you are really interested, read wikipedia article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_Had ron_Collider
and the article about LHC safety http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safety_of _the_Large_Hadron_Collider

CERN's best argument about the safety of LHC is that earth has been constantly bombarded by rays of particles with energies higher that those in LHC and the same events as
those simulated in LHC happen all the time naturally.

However if any dangerous particles are created in the natural process they would have such a great speed that they would pass through the planet almost instantly. There is simply no
time for them to interact with matter on earth. As for the LHC if anything dangerous is created, like a mini black hole - it would have almost zero speed and would stay on earth.

They say that the energies involved in the experiment are less then two mosquitoes colliding, that is a stupid explanation for stupid people. Mosquitoes don't smash into each other at the speed of light.
So wtf is a mini-black hole? Its 2 elemental particles moved too close to each other. Black hole is a certain amount of mass on very small space. Anything can be a blackhole - you could make one
out of earth if you were God and could condence it to the cise of a tennis ball. Or out of bubble gum, whatever... material and mass doesn't matter - only the space it occupies. So a black hole made out of two elemental particles is still a black hole, and if it collides with any other particles it will eat them and grow.

CERN's second argument is that if a mini blackhole is created it would evaporate instantly via Hawking radiation. There is no proof that Hawking radiation exist though...
And if it exist it might itself be dangerous.

There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY the experiment will stop since too much money were involved and too much people see this project as the purpose of their life. Of course they will tell everybody that it is safe. They are ready to risk their lives and yours.

So how long do we have? no one knows, some scientist say that going above 2 tEv is dangerous (max pover is 14tEv) which is going to happen within weeks.
There also lots of theories on how long would it take for the mini-blackhole to eat the earth: from a fraction of a second to several thousand years :D
There are lots of other scenarios of a catastrophe, besides black holes and since scientists don't really know what to expect from this experiment - something totally unexpected might happen.

"Particle physics is the unbelievable in pursuit of the unimaginable." As stated on LHC site. So they cant even imagine what is going to happen. Doesn't this statement alone makes all the arguments of LHC safety bullshit. "Science is what we do when we don't know what we are doing" (c) some interview about the LHC.

These concerns do not come from stupid and ignorant people as the mass media want you to believe, they come from scientists all over the world.


Here are live webcams from the LHC itself. You can see some people doing stuff there if you watch long enough.

More links:
interesting interview http://www.scientificblogging.com/big_
science_gambles/interview_professor_ot to_rossler_takes_on_the_lhc

lots of science stuff, explaining why we are all going to die here: http://www.unificationtheory.com/god/C ONCERN.html

We are all going to DIE before the end of this year.

Posted by dz2001 - August 27th, 2008

Posted by dz2001 - August 26th, 2008

Its for real this time.

Though I still call it beta it is actually the final version. As soon as I'm sure there are no serious bugs left to fix I will remove the "beta 3" label and release it on newgrounds. As for now it is locked to armorgames.com

I'm not going to take it down as I did with previous beta version (unless something happens within an hour :P)


Please report any bugs, typos or other stuff that needs fixing!

I have also restored downloadable versions of my previous games, so here they are:


Momentum Missile Mayhem 3 Released!!