Cthulhu fhtagn!

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We are all going to DIE before the end of this year.

Posted by dz2001 - September 13th, 2008

Here you go:

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UPD1: If you want to post something proving me wrong - READ THE WHOLE DAMN POST FIRST. It's really annoyng to read about stuff I already commented. I would delete your messages otherwise.
And check the links below, I'm not basing my statements on mass media hysteria and ignorant articles in the press.
And shut the hell up about my spelling. I'm Russian.

Did you know that we are all going to die before the end of this year?
The planet will most likely be destroyed by Large Hadron Collider, which has been launched
at the border between Switzerland and France (build by the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)). From now on they are going to conduct experiments, increasing the energies involved.

More on the upcoming apocalypse later... as for now - don't forget do download my games:



Ok. LHC, the biggest machine ever build by man. You have heard about it, right? Its all over the news and internet now.

If you haven't, here are some videos explaining what it is:

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crazy, obsessed scientists behind the lhc project:

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And if you are really interested, read wikipedia article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_Had ron_Collider
and the article about LHC safety http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Safety_of _the_Large_Hadron_Collider

CERN's best argument about the safety of LHC is that earth has been constantly bombarded by rays of particles with energies higher that those in LHC and the same events as
those simulated in LHC happen all the time naturally.

However if any dangerous particles are created in the natural process they would have such a great speed that they would pass through the planet almost instantly. There is simply no
time for them to interact with matter on earth. As for the LHC if anything dangerous is created, like a mini black hole - it would have almost zero speed and would stay on earth.

They say that the energies involved in the experiment are less then two mosquitoes colliding, that is a stupid explanation for stupid people. Mosquitoes don't smash into each other at the speed of light.
So wtf is a mini-black hole? Its 2 elemental particles moved too close to each other. Black hole is a certain amount of mass on very small space. Anything can be a blackhole - you could make one
out of earth if you were God and could condence it to the cise of a tennis ball. Or out of bubble gum, whatever... material and mass doesn't matter - only the space it occupies. So a black hole made out of two elemental particles is still a black hole, and if it collides with any other particles it will eat them and grow.

CERN's second argument is that if a mini blackhole is created it would evaporate instantly via Hawking radiation. There is no proof that Hawking radiation exist though...
And if it exist it might itself be dangerous.

There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY the experiment will stop since too much money were involved and too much people see this project as the purpose of their life. Of course they will tell everybody that it is safe. They are ready to risk their lives and yours.

So how long do we have? no one knows, some scientist say that going above 2 tEv is dangerous (max pover is 14tEv) which is going to happen within weeks.
There also lots of theories on how long would it take for the mini-blackhole to eat the earth: from a fraction of a second to several thousand years :D
There are lots of other scenarios of a catastrophe, besides black holes and since scientists don't really know what to expect from this experiment - something totally unexpected might happen.

"Particle physics is the unbelievable in pursuit of the unimaginable." As stated on LHC site. So they cant even imagine what is going to happen. Doesn't this statement alone makes all the arguments of LHC safety bullshit. "Science is what we do when we don't know what we are doing" (c) some interview about the LHC.

These concerns do not come from stupid and ignorant people as the mass media want you to believe, they come from scientists all over the world.


Here are live webcams from the LHC itself. You can see some people doing stuff there if you watch long enough.

More links:
interesting interview http://www.scientificblogging.com/big_
science_gambles/interview_professor_ot to_rossler_takes_on_the_lhc

lots of science stuff, explaining why we are all going to die here: http://www.unificationtheory.com/god/C ONCERN.html

We are all going to DIE before the end of this year.


I think I've heard somewhere that the experiment was successful, we're not going to die from the black hole.

There was no experiments yet. Dangerous experiments include particle callisions and all they did was warm it up and check all the systems. Particle collisions at low energies are not dangerous and were conducted befor. The danger of LHC is that it is twice as powerfull as all the colliders build before and no one knows what would happen when they cross the treshold of RHIC (previously most powerfull collider).

"Ohh please,we cant die,black holes are dumb movie stuff,never seen in real life space so STFU,were not going to die."

Every word of that sentence screams teenager and an idiot.
1) We can die and quiet easily from anything
2) Blackholes did not origonate from movies
3) What is real life space?....space is space unless you get into dark matter
4) We have seen it in space, a black hole is the absance of light (or so it appears) and we have seen that

I admit I am worried to about what may or may not happen. I am a very learned person and I value knowlege but something are just better not tested. I do not think the gains out weigh the danger. Plus what if the big bang is true? Faith holds to many people together in their fragile lives let them have it. Sigh

The problem is that the main moving force of LHC is money. Too much money went into the project, too many people see their life tightly connected with LHC for the next 20 years. They do not want to think of the riscs. They blindly believe in the theory on which all the proofs of lhc safety are based. though the very experiment is supposed to prove or disprove that theory.

sounds to me that you want everyone to die you asshole


The LHC? what is that? Its just the the freaking 9000 time that i read something like this shit!
Get over this, if this dodn't kill us, the global warming will, so chill out!

This is just stypid.
LHC can't cerate such black hole and there is proof everywhere.

Did you know world cerates 300 black hole on earth every day. (You just can't see them)

>LHC can't cerate such black hole and there is proof everywhere.

LHC can create blackholes as stated by CERN.

Man fuck this collider shit. It's now the year 2008 and we're not driving flying cars yet. I'm fucking pissed that more money is going into making a black hole of nothingness then cool flying cars. Seriously? What the fuck scientists. Get your priorities sorted out.

Wow the top video really can effect you.
I thought we were going to be alright and nothing really would happen but...now im not sure


You're an idiot, it has been proven by hundreds of scientists that it doesn't have the power to destroy the world,you would need the mass of 6 of suns to make a black hole big enough to start sucking in matter, not a small tiny atom. If a black hole does happen, it's going to be what scientists call a "Micro Blackhole", because it's so tiny that you wouldn't even be able to see it with the naked eye or even a semi strong microscope, it would also evaporate in a matter of micro-nano seconds because it's incredible instability.

>You're an idiot,

and you are an ignorant fool

>it has been proven by hundreds of scientists

they believe that their theory is the truth since everyone believes it

a lot of people uset to believe that earth was flat

>it would also evaporate
Hawking radiation is not a scientifically proven fact. No one has seen it. Its just a theory.

I'm sorry, but I don't think mankind already has the ability to create a blackhole that will devour the Earth. Maybe micro blackholes (which have been observed in space, and appear and disappear within a matter of a split-nanosecond or even less), but not those which you may hear about eating away at distant stars.

These micro blackholes appear and disappear so fast that they've installed special cameras that capture at a rate of around one million fps. They can't do anything. And it's not like they don't have any information or data on these blackholes; they have observed them out in space; they don't do anything at all.

Stop worrying, please.

>which have been observed in space, and appear and disappear within a matter of a split-nanosecond or even less

that is a lie
prove me wrong - whats the source of your info? I've given links to lots of INFO in my post, I'm tired of ignorant people posting stuff they dont understand

>Stop worrying, please.

who told you I am worriing, I'm just pissed of at the fuct that some fucks are risking my life without even sking me

Maybe it'll create a black hole that will suck in idiots who respond in anger to this post.

let them be
I have a lot of anger too :P
besides angry posts are fun

Because the list of risks contain the word "black hole", it doesn't mean it will happen with the percentage of 100%. The percentage for it happening is only one in million or so.

Black hole is only one of the dangers. There are numerous other scenarious and lots of more that we dont even know od yet.

"Science is what we do when we don't know what we are doing" (c) some lhc scientist

Some things to make u feel safe.
1.) would russia china and north korea alow this knowing that there entire kingdoms could be destroyed allow this, they havent tried yet so they must think its safe.
2.)The LHC is being tested very severyl they have many oervride switches incase the first sighn of a huge amout of pressure inside the tube. the rate the pressure ratings and if theres too much pressure they assume its a black hole and deactivate it.

1. lol dude, you would'nt believe how fucked up these things are. Existance of nuclear arsenal capable of destroying humanity proves that.
2. they dont know what would happen. If a black hole appears nothing can stop it, there is no way to remove it or whatever. The only hope is that their theory is right

Also. If there trying to recerate the big Bang... uh wasent the big bang kinda BIG!!!
And diditn the big bang create a black hole in witch all of our universes and suns orbit right now!!!!!!

>trying to recerate the big Bang...

ugh.. thats science thing. its nothing to be worried about
recreating the bing bang is nothing you could feel or even see, just some numbers they would receive

these experiments are microscopic, so small its amazing they can measure these things

the danger is that those microscopic things might either affect matter around starting a chain reaction or eat it and grow

The Experiment Begins In 8 Days. The Chance Of It Creating A Black Hole Large Enough To Destroy Earth Is Low At Most, The Best We're gonna get is A Tiny One Which Dissapears After a Few Seconds because They Dont Have a Star For it to react with. Anyway, the particles being created are less dangerous than ones which hit our planet every day.

>The Chance Of It Creating A Black Hole Large Enough To Destroy Earth Is Low At Most,

The Chance To Die In An AirPlane Crash Is Lower. Yet People Die
A lot

> the particles being created are less dangerous than ones which hit our planet every day.

I've already commented that statement. So you are one of the idiots who comment my post without reading it

they did the experiment and it worked so we will not die

they did no experiment
it will be several months before they will go above energies used in previous experiments in other colliders -THAT'S WHEN THE NEW AND UNKNOWN SHIT WILL HAPPEN

You worry about this, as do others, but I assume most of you all go to school/work, do household chores such as cooking, and cross busy roads on a day-to-day basis.

It's sort of funny how people get worried over things that have never happened before, such as the LHC being switched on.
People are nowhere near as worried in lightning storms; but I guess that fear of the unknown can do this to a person.

I suppose The Joker in the new Batman movie summed it up pretty well:
"You know what I noticed? Nobody panics when things go 'according to plan'...even if the plan is horrifying."

Ah, good ol' Joker...
Wait, what was I talking about again?


There is no point to change your life because of this. And there is no way to stop the experiment.

Yet it is a very good thing to post here and know. The ammount of replies to my post proves that. And I do delete alot of retarded and inappropriate posts, so there could be more :D

But if we do destroy ourselves...is the universe really losing anything of value?

Okay, seriously. None of the videos you posted here provide any evidence for or against your argument. You even posted some videos twice.

For that matter, the Big Bang itself is nothing more than a theory. It's just a theory that so far has held up to our observations and which we have therefore assumed is fact. And if the Big Bang theory is wrong, then you can't create one, which according to these vids they're not trying to do anyway.

As for the black hole, electromagetism is a force billions of times more powerful than gravity in equivalent proportions. I imagine if we do create a mini black hole, there won't be enough mass from two particles (as opposed to an entire star) for there to be any drastic effects; furthermore, the LHC's EM field alone could probably contain or neutralize whatever effects there are, posibly even destroying a mini black hole at high power levels.

I'm not saying you're wrong or that I'm right, or that you're right and I'm wrong. I'm just trying to bring a little intelligent debate to this discussion so we can take a proper look at what we're dealing with and weigh the risks with as much of an educated mind as we can possibly attain.

>But if we do destroy ourselves...is the universe really losing anything of value?

that depends on your point of view
a question that cant be ultimately answered
does the universe really exist? maybe MY CONSIOUS SELF is the only thing that ever exsisted

>None of the videos you posted here provide any evidence for or against your argument.

safety or danger of LHC can not be proven by definition
the only way to prove anything is to turn it on
it is its very porpose to prove or disprove the theories on which all the arguments are based

>I'm just trying to bring a little intelligent debate

Dont. You dont have a degree in nuclear physics and neither do I. I've posted several links at the end of my post where actual scientists give their oppinion on the problem so read those first.

The only thing that we know for sure. Is that we know nothing.


I'm not sure but i would say that I'm scared a bit but i don't really care when i'm doin something good best

i'm scared when

doin nothin 60%
hanging out with friends maybe talkin about it 90%
on the toliet 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Well, we COULD die. It's very possible, but there's also a great chance of the experiment succeding without destroying everyone and everything.


The points is - scientists are fucking with our lives and the existing of the planet without even asking us.

And if the experiments would bring any results, practical implementation wont affect us since it will happen in 50-100 years from now (probably used by the military first of all). Right now its pure science and theory and I absolutely don't give a fuck about what mass and matter is blah blah blah etc, I have a life to live and there are lots of other amazing things to be curious about

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