It has been a while ;)
Cthulhu fhtagn!
Age 40, Male
Russia, Moscow
Joined on 8/8/01
Posted by dz2001 - October 20th, 2010
I hope this is a final beta.
What is Project Wasteland? and why 0?
PW0 is the first step in the making of my post-apocalyptic rpg. Basically its a combat-only game, a set of combat scenarios. Character development/leveling is rudimentary and many skills are not working. PW0 is a like an early demo of the actual game that I've planed.
The purpose of this zero release is to polish the combat balance and to find all the bugs.
There is still so much to do, I'm thinking another year of development till Project Wasteland 1 is finished. While PW0 is just a set of combat scenarios, in PW1 there will be a world to explore. Fully interactive worldmap: find new locations, random encounters with enemies on generated maps, search for stuff with metal detector and, of course, a town with NPCs. There will be non combat skills for exploring/trading etc... like lockpicking for example. A classic character leveling system.
I hope I will be able to finish all that.
A few words about Fallout. A lot of people claim that this is a ripoff, well I don't see it that way. I do indeed find my inspiration in oldschool cRPGs like Fallout1&2 and Baldur's Gate, I do not intend to use Fallout world or S.P.E.C.I.A.L though. I will probably remove and rename some stats for PW1. This is a different setting, different planet, there are no vaults or tube powered computers. I'm not even sure about the nuclear war, maybe its going to be a virus, that caused the fall of civilization, or maybe some natural disaster... anyway, too early to think of that. I need to finish game mechanics first and balance the gameplay before even thinking of plot development. And that is going to take more than a year.
Posted by dz2001 - October 5th, 2010
So, heres the mainmenu image for my new game.
What do you think?
I made "Project Wasteland 0" title sign myself and I'm no designer. If anyone can make a better one and I like it I will be very grateful :D
Might even pay some money.
As for the game - its in the final stage of development. Only bug fixing is left for me to do now,
theres still a lot of stuff for my artist to draw and he is on vacation in Spain at the moment O:
Plus i need to find two music tracks for main menu and gameplay.
Cant say when it will be released. There will be one final beta-test soon though, I don't need all the art to do that.
Also if you are interested to play right now - heres a 2 month old demo
Posted by dz2001 - August 9th, 2010
PLAY HERE: t-wasteland-rpg-test-version-2
Posted by dz2001 - July 24th, 2010
Here's a new test version of my RPG.
There are 6 missions on 3 maps and a shop. The game is saved after you complete a mission or exit the shop.
If you DIE - reload the game.. yeah im lazy. xD
Stats affect the following: STR - melee and weight, AGI - movement/action points, melee and armor, PER - mostly shooting,END - hit points and damage resistance, LUK - critical hits.
Red syringe-thingy is a stimpack, it restores hit-points. Put it to quickslots to use.
I'm looking forward to your feedback. Was it too hard? Have you finished all the missions? How many times did you die? Have you found any bugs?
Posted by dz2001 - April 2nd, 2010
Posted by dz2001 - February 7th, 2010
I'm trying to get back to work on my RPG project.
Its been almost a year since I've stopped working on it so its kind of hard...
Right now I'm looking at ~12000 lines of code going "WTF DID I WROTE THIS =0.0="
This is the most complicated of my flash projects, so its kind of hard to remember how everything is working after so much time.
I decided to show you what I have this far.
There is only one level. This is a combat test.
Four rival parties have arrived to the Scorpion Queen's nest. You are in one of those parties, you have two allies, don't shoot them :D or whatever...
Whos gonna be the last man standing? :P
Things you can do:
- kill everyone on the map :D
- loot corpses for weapons/ammo/stuff
- equip weapons/armor
Things you cant do:
- gain experience\level up
- create character
- change stats\skills
- end the game :D
- if you die, they will keep fighting without you
I'm open for suggestions on the gameplay!
I am using some graphics from fallout. Those will be replaced by my artist eventually..