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Furry Fallout / Project Wasteland [Alpha version]

Posted by dz2001 - February 7th, 2010

I'm trying to get back to work on my RPG project.
Its been almost a year since I've stopped working on it so its kind of hard...

Right now I'm looking at ~12000 lines of code going "WTF DID I WROTE THIS =0.0="
This is the most complicated of my flash projects, so its kind of hard to remember how everything is working after so much time.

I decided to show you what I have this far.


There is only one level. This is a combat test.
Four rival parties have arrived to the Scorpion Queen's nest. You are in one of those parties, you have two allies, don't shoot them :D or whatever...
Whos gonna be the last man standing? :P

Things you can do:
- kill everyone on the map :D
- loot corpses for weapons/ammo/stuff
- equip weapons/armor

Things you cant do:
- gain experience\level up
- create character
- change stats\skills
- end the game :D
- if you die, they will keep fighting without you

I'm open for suggestions on the gameplay!

I am using some graphics from fallout. Those will be replaced by my artist eventually..

Furry Fallout / Project Wasteland [Alpha version]


Awsome :D. Is this how the first two fallouts played? I've only played 3 so Idk...
Took me awhile to figure out how to use the stimpacks but that was really the only thing I had trouble with. Btw you said Scorpion Queen's lair in your entry but ingame the "boss" [Not sure it can be called a boss since it died as easily as the others] is named Scorpion King o_o not that thats really a problem I just thought I should point it out ^^; Cant wait to see the full game.

>I've only played 3 so Idk...

Fallout 3 is an Oblivion MOD, nothing else.

>but ingame the "boss" is named Scorpion King

must have had a sex change operation while the game was loading

Thats absolutely badass dude please do make
Hmm you think you could get Tom to allow medals?
If so, then this would be how you say? GODLY!!!


too early to think of that

Woo! I can't wait to see it!

But I would like to see some sort of character options, Just for personalization. Other then that, I'm looking forward to it!

You wont be able to make a character in the first release.

In the second version you will be able to customize your character's skills, stats and perks at the beginning of the game and as you levelup. You WONT be able to change the name and species though.

Srsly, the Fallout universe doesn't need furries. Do something original.

I'm only using Fallout name to get more attention.

I will not be using fallout setting. Its not even Earth :D

And I'm not going to use S.P.E.C.I.A.L either.

Didn't know you were into furries. Rock on. The game's looking really sweet so far. I can't wait until you finish it. However I fiddled around with some stuff and I found some bugs/exploits within the gameplay. Extensive feedback: Imminent.

First off, both reloading and switching weapons through the quickslots (using up 1 AP) are pointless, because you can just go to equipment, switch weapons, then switch back. You don't get ammo back, but your weapons will be fully loaded again for free, or you could just switch to another one also without using AP. This makes using the shotgun in particular infinitely more efficient and pretty broken as of right now. I found I could kill both my allies at the start of the match with it and still win easily by myself with this method, because 1 or 2 shots at close range range is a guaranteed kill on anyone but the scorpion king.

Secondly, I noticed that that the two special modes of firing, Aim and Burst, normally take two AP. However, say if you do a single shot first with a pistol, using up 1 AP, you can still switch weapons with the trick above and use Burst with the assault rifle while only having 1 AP. This isn't quite as deadly as shotgun spamming, but I think it still warrants fixing.

Third, there's an ammo glitch with the assault rifle. I had three bullets left, and it still let me do a Burst like normal. I ended up with -7 bullets, and I think it may have eaten some of my pistol bullets. The shotgun also has some sort of ammo glitch. In my inventory I saw I had 2 shells left, so I switched to the shotgun from the equipment screen, but then it said I had no shots left. I opened up my inventory again, and my 2 shells had disappeared. Not sure what's up with that.

Lastly, Nathaniel seems to have 5 movement points, but you can only move four spaces on the grid. Not sure if this was intentional, so i thought i'd mention it. I was going to comment about the stimpacks too, but after reading the comment under mine they're apparently able to be used, so nvm.

P.S: You know you could've posted the alpha to your Dump, right? From your profile settings?

Most of those bugs are known to me. This is not a playable demo or beta. This is a work-in-progress version so I'm not fixing minor problems while I have some major issues to work on.

Going to inventory will cost you 2 action points.

>You don't get ammo back

I believe you do.

>I ended up with -7 bullets


>it may have eaten some of my pistol bullets.

It couldn't

>I opened up my inventory again, and my 2 shells had disappeared.

You load the weapon when yopu equip it. And you unload all ammo when you unequip it. Nothing to fix here.

>but you can only move four spaces on the grid.

didn't notice that...

As for stimpacks - put them into your quick slots to use.

heres a weapon idea

Mag-rail: A high powered energy weapon that can shoot though walls and obsicales

Very High damage
perices armor
very low rate of fire
ammo is rare

btw the Mag-rail have a clip of 5, 1 shot per turn
100% accurate

Its called RAILGUN.
And its as accurate as any other weapons you aim and shoot.

I bet it's a great game to play,but unfortunately I usually don't play these kind of games because they seem too complicated.I prefer games like 'FINAL FANTASY XIII'
or 'FIRE EMBLEM:Radiant Dawn' ! But since games like 'Project Wasteland'
(your game) aren't too complicated for most people :''Good for them'' !

thats sad :(

I played this yesterday evening, and despite being rather tired, I found the controls very easy to pick up (after watching an AI player show me how it's done). A few turns later, while pressing all the buttons to see what would happen, I hit the "kill everyone else" button. The result shocked me, but I thought it was absolutely hilarious. Good job on a solid start to an engine, and for essentially making my evening!


how much memory will this be? just corious


You say you aren't using the special system, but it looks pretty obvious that you are trying to use something very similar. The stats spell out special.

These are the very basis of characters in the fallout universe! Character creation and development weighed in very heavily on how you figured out these stats. Some perks weren't available unless you had a high enough perception, for example. The starting skill scores were based completely off your attributes with a bonus to the "tag skills" , and how many additional skill points you got per level was almost exclusively based on Intelligence.

Sorry about ranting, but if you don't want to have your game compared to fallout, you may have to "Rename" your traits instead of just juggling them on the character sheet. Maybe you're looking to give fallout fans that familiarity and the comforts of something similar to the special system?

Don't get me wrong. Ran smooth, looks pretty cool so far. Could be a lot of fun!

>but if you don't want to have your game compared to fallout,

maybe I do
maybe I just don't give a fuck

>you may have to "Rename" your traits instead of just juggling them on the character sheet.

umm... no.

Fo3 was made by a dif copany then Fo1&2 those your doing Fo1 style witch is cool cus not meny ppl have or know what Fo1 is or played it

Fallout 3 is a TES4: Oblivion mod. Nothing else.

The idea of it is nice X3 only prob, is after the first trun.. i can do.. well anything cant move cant shot only thing i can do is watch them kill each other.. or me. not sure why.but other wise looks vary nice. hope one day to see the final and what you trun it into.

you are not the first to report this
cant make it happen to me, cant fix till I do =\

Must say pretty sweet like the wepons and enemys and i already see your getting fallout crap but i like the way the game plays like fallout 1 and 2 though it would be nice JUST FOR THE DEMO thing dodad above to be able to reset the game without reloading the page and now i will help with possible disastirs species names ect just for randomness i will PM you any more i think of first off a meteor hit, alien invasion, enviormental disaster, Alma from FEAR can to visit lol and for species names lets see how bout Hajie I just made that up any way good luck to you and all your endevors

finally a Fo game 4 PC thats F-R-E-E woohoo! :D

All games are free! PirateBay is still online :D

just weapon a suggestion
If you know about the Pancor Jackhammer automatic shotgun maybe you could put one in.

Okay, fallout 3 is a mod of a great game, so the results are great, considering that it pretty much inspired games like borderlands, and basically animated a slightly boring 1996 era game. I'm not saying its bad- in fact, i'd love it if they made a cool remake(not fps.) I believe that most modern games have spawned from these "simple" rpg games and have created genres of gaming that appeal to non-pc gamers, as well as 6th grade faggots that play cod. CTHULHU FHTAGN! :D
P.S- i hate cod

Just a heads up - you might want to update the link. I would like to give some constructive input but I can't get it to work :( Guess I'll have to wait for the full version.

Since you don't mention it above but it's on the screenshot, are you going to add perks too? Or is it just a part of the fallout interface you have to get rid of?

fixed the link

there will be perks, but not in the first version I'm planning to release

plz do create a character i wanna be a black wolf PLZ !!!!!! :,(