Mmmm... Tasty.
Cthulhu fhtagn!
Age 40, Male
Russia, Moscow
Joined on 8/8/01
Mmmm... Tasty.
indeed :3
wow i want those pringles mmmmmm :)
A. MMM was old at 3
B. HAWT HORSE *saved*
God damn, I really hate furries.
yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff yiff
I could of sworn I heard wolves having sex somewhere in this area....
as long as you don't put any furry stuff in your gamesm you will be my favorite game creator on this site
the character u play in my RPG project is a furry
if I ever finish it >_<
also theres some furry stuff in mmm4 too
its just hard to find
What is it with furries and horse dick?
i dunno lol
Pringle Dick?
Will it cum Pringle chips?
probably :3
You should do the siege tank survival addon. Maybe put different types of tanks to choose from. awesome pic. :3
maybe I will
lick my salty chocolate balls.
murr now that's what im talking about ^^ -tailwags happily-
nice game, hoe i can win ?
Could you at least add an option to your games to turn off the furries?
Also, are you really from Russia?
I haven't released any games involving furries yet.
And if you are talking about the RPG I'm working on - the answer is NO. You wont be able to change character appearance.
Yes, I am Russian.
zomg furry in da house and yay for MMM4 been waiting for it to come out :D
Do you like it?
Hmm... I wonder how my wife would react to my prior comment on this page....
Eh, she'd probably agree.
you don't need to COUNTER your previous TOTALLY GAY comment about PENIS
no one cares
I hope that next game is a side scroller. Create a horse, walk through various areas beating enemies with your gargantuan pe- I mean pringles. Perhaps add a projectile where you ejacu... Eject chips out. Unlocking new flavors as you progress. Flavors of pringles that is. Yep. Best game ever. Get front page game of the week for sure.
One thing that I didn't like was that you never really feel "powerful" throughout the game. For example you always feel the need to smash enemies to the walls with your blasts, but you never are able to take them out directly with your weapons.
Fuck yeah pringles