Cthulhu fhtagn!

Age 40, Male

Russia, Moscow

Joined on 8/8/01

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i don't know if I'm getting this... you keep defending them in your post and im your answers to my comments... but you think they're wrong?
Maybe you should make yourself clear... many people besides me may not understand.

CERN is a European Organization for Nuclear Research
they build LHC
I'm saying that there is a good chance they'll kill us all\

where am I defending CERN?


A lil' question... When they are going to turn on that devilish machine?
(srry fr the spelling i am from guatemala and I speak spanish) thanks if some1 answers... BYE!

>When they are going to turn on that devilish machine?

they were supposed to do experiments this year
someone broke it xD

fixing is going to take several months i think

"The time necessary for the investigation and repairs precludes a restart before CERN's obligatory winter maintenance period, bringing the date for restart of the accelerator complex to early spring 2009. LHC beams will then follow."

Im not entirelysure about this, there was the "we are all gonna die in the year 2000", that never happened, the world was also supposed to end 6/6/06, it didn't, the world was also supposed to end sometime in march, and then theres the 2012 thing, you might wanna wait until there is some definitive proof that this thing could destroy the world before telling everyone on newgrounds, i know from experience everyone here takes things way too seriously.

Why are you comparing LHC with bullshit prophesies and magic numbers?

For example, see the message above my first one.

1. I like the inclusion of cyriak's "webcams" you have a link to ; ). Cyriak is great.
2. You truly are a worthy debator, but in the end the burden of proof lies with you. You have yet to disprove top scientists from around the world on their decision that the LHC is safe. Do you honestly beleive that these scientists would become SO crazy that they would destroy the world just because they spent so much time and money on it? These people are scientists, not people with bi-polar disorder. Although I think that the money spent on this could have gone to other projects of greater importance, the information gathered from these experiments could unlock all new kinds of technologies. Something like this cannot be shut down just because of the insignificant posibility of a black hole. These scientists at CERN have created the internet that we are currently using, along with many other advancements. I am going to trust them, along with many other scientists that concur with CERN's statement that a black hole is not a possible danger. The scientists that are against it have as much credibility as a paranormal investigator. The buren of proof lies on you.
3. The dicusions on this page are fasinating, but there are some comments that are depressingly rude and stupid.

>You have yet to disprove top scientists from around the world on their decision that the LHC is safe.

They haven't proven anything yets. Nothing to disprove. As for official LHC safety report I've posted links to articles where it is debated.

>The buren of proof lies on you.

Here you go:
They are basing all their statements o theories that are yet to be proven.

>These people are scientists, not people with bi-polar disorder.

Same kind of people and same kind of money made nukes. And killed hundreds of thousands people, would be responsible for destruction of our civilisation in case of a third world war.

>insignificant posibility of a black hole.

Do you know what chances there are to die in a plane crush? Yet people die.

>The scientists that are against it have as much credibility as a paranormal investigator.

Thats bullshit unless you could back that up. Or are you simply stating that majority is always right.

>but there are some comments that are depressingly rude and stupid.

I dont mind rude, as for stupid.. you havent seen some of those I've deleted :P

I just dont know what to say.
Firstly, noone is sure, how the experiment will end.
Maybe, a black hole will be created and it'll destroy the entire planet.
But the worst thing is that we cant do anything about that.
Fortunately, if it happens, I'll die fast, cause I live in Austria.
(LOL) ...no, not LOL, there is nothing funny in the destruction of the mankind.

Whats sad about it is that in other countries some nuclear atomic power factories have retards working there who can easily overload a computer "don't push that button!!!Dx" and ruin a fuckng county for 100 years.The guys who do this only get about 10 years in prison :S
it's funny how national geographic makes it look like "Nuking shit -a quick source for energy ftw :D-"Have you ever watched the Simpsons? I think Homer Simpson has a subliminal message,since he does work ,bustin atoms for a living and stuff.Wanna know what that secret from Homer Simpson is?Here I'll tell you......
"mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm burgerrrr"

i agree with you 100%. these scientist know wats going to happen just as much as we do.they have no way of preditidting wats going to happen because its never been done b4. their opening pandora's box. their just exploreing but at the same time risking all of humanity just because they are curious. i feel sorry 4 u haveing all these people belive in all the bullshit these scientist say and then say your stupid and ignorant because u don't belive in the scientist. i think that this has gone way to far and used up 2 much money. i think and hope there not going o find anything in all this. anyways your 1 of the few people i've seen that disagree with all the bullshit these scientist come up with :)

if I get a penny for every time some one says that...

no we cant

theres also something else that could happen. there is a thing called strange matter and if that strange matter becomes "normal" then that matter will act as a black hole does, but instead of condensing the matter it will just change it into more strange matter and even air will be turned to strange matter.

in reply to my other comment above. the discovery of new sciences has always out weighed the conciquences(spelling?) of the way to discovering them. for example the atomic bomb. At the time of its early days there was a mass amount of histaria about it could end the world because of the massive amounts of energy released might have ripped the world apart. the tests were successful and world war 2 ended because of that discovery. granted they killed millions of people but without them the war could have lasted even longer and we might have lost even more people because of it. Getting in the way of discovery is a bad thing, granted the machine is dangerous but the odds of anything happening are like 200 places after the decimal point.

I doubt it. But that video was cool.

so wait a minute... let me get this straight... there spending millions of dollars, risking the world as we know it, just to create a black hole to proove the big bang theory. they should just go with my theory... it all started with a really big bag of chips, holdin thousand of large chips in it, but then the shield hold those chips together ripped, spilling all those chips on the ground, then wind blows them in all different ways, then they get crushed and form balls of flames(they were barbeque flavored) that wre call stars, and all the rest of the flavor turned into what we call gas, and the rest of the chip became tiny space rocks. then each chip was in the form of dementad shapes we call "galaxies"

Well its been like a month since this was posted so i have to say that im impressed that were not already fucked.Anyways when(or if) the world ends go to my userpage and blast your volume to maximum while playing the first 4 videos,trust me you will lose sanity.

Their has been alot of controversy over the LHC and I can't say I'm quite sure why. The LHC is not nearly as destructive as some of the posted videos would suggest, even with some of the higher powered experiments their still only working with a small number of partials, and considering how far underground it is I have trouble understanding how people feel it's threatening humanity.

Let's discuss the black hole theory for start. You see during the development process, one the physicists theorized that it may be theoretically possible for a mini black hole to be created during a partial collision. Another physicist responded saying that if a black hole were created it would theoretically dissipate instantly due to Hawking radiation. So here we are 12 and some odd years later and some how the press got a hold of this black hole idea, suggesting that it may be a potential threat. The thing is Hawking radiation is a very well established theory and has been tested in many small scale experiments. Far more shaky is the theory that a mini black hole could be created by high powered particle collisions or even that they exist at all for that matter. In actuality though both theories are very well established, the black hole phonomina has been created in smaller particle colliers, and in all cases they have dissipated instantly due to Hawking radiation.

But for sake of argument let's assume the worst, lets assume that some how a black hole is created in the LHC, and that for some strange reason it remains in existence despite established theories of Hawking radiation. The thing about black holes though is that they need to maintain a very high state of energy in order to remain in existence, and this is where the law of entropy comes in. As soon as that mini black hole comes into contact with matter it will dissipate it's energy and quickly just turn into regular matter (Actually if a black hole was created the physicists would probably want to keep it for study). Keep in mind black hole has a gravitational field proportional to it's mass; a black hole consisting of only a few partials could never escape containment.

In regards to the "We are all going to DIE" theory let it be know that the earth weights 5,973,600,000,000,000,000,000 tons and isn't going anywhere any time soon. Even if you were living directly on top of the thing, that's still over 500,000 tons of earth between you and the LHC. The amount of energy the LHC is working with is very insignificant in comparison to other sources of energy we use here on earth. In the end entropy always wins, any form of energy the LHC emits will be easily dissipated into the earth and any particles it releases will loose all their momentum in the millions of tons of earth between us and the LHC. It's like I said before I really don't understand how some people see this as threat to humanity. The world is not so easily destroyed and the LHC is well contained and remote enough that even if something goes terribly wrong no one will get hurt. If your still not convinced try up some numbers on the amount of power and potential energy that will go into LHC, it's not nearly as much power as you may have been lead to believe.

I hope to god you aren't serious about this.
How can someone who made games SO awesome, be so god damn ignorant about something like this?


Also, those so called "Live Webcams" are a parody.

Lets turn this into a comedy show instead of a place to discuss the LHC!!! =D

My emo friend will be happy when he reads this =) But he wont be happy when I tell him that God will protect us (well maybe =D) )=

I have more pages to add to

<a href="http://hasthelargehadroncolliderdestroyedtheworldyet.com/">http://hasthelargehadroncolliderdestr oyedtheworldyet.com/</a>,

It is:

<a href="http://www.w3schools.com/downloadwww.htm">http://www.w3schools.com/downloadwww.
If u watch it long enough it shows a message =D

<a href="http://www.shibumi.org/eoti.htm">http://www.shibumi.org/eoti.htm</a>

Well, all we can hope of is that it ends well. But if we didn't take risks/having wars, there wouldn't be...
* Nuclear
* Jets
* Cars
* Computers
* Etcetera

So, if you hate this, you're actually trying to hold science back. But, there's nothing you can do about this, because, there are people that used up too many truckloads of money and lives (not literally, "gamer" lives). But yeah, this overall is as experimental as nuclear about 50 years back?

Most likely Fake , Just like the Y2k , People have claimed that the world will end in 20012 also they probably all fake unless theirs a real 100% very clear proof.

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