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Momentum Missile Mayhem 3 New Teaser Video!

Posted by dz2001 - May 1st, 2008

MMM3 is still far from finished. But I'm working on it.

There will be 4 game modes, with different weapons and controls (previous two games had only one weapon - gravity launcher) So its going to be like 4 games in one!

Here is what you'll probably see in the game:
- 4 weapon modes: Mobile Gravity Manipulator (plasma balls controlled by mouse cursor directly),
Gravity Disc (push it around the field to kill enemies), Singularity Cannon and Artillery Mode
(introduced in the second teaser video, that I bring you today :P )
- pause (you will be able to pause the game at any time (yeah, I finaly made it) and reconfigure your upgrades: for example if you are taking heavy damage you can hit pause, go to upgrades menu and rearrange all the tech points to boost the shield. etc)
- lots of new enemies
- new explosion animations
- new special abilities
- separate ability and weapon-upgrade trees
- the game would run faster since I've optimized the code and turned most explosion animations into gifs (no more lags from special effects and filter abuse =)))

and lots of other stuff I forgot to mention.

Here is the new teaser video, ~5mb: http://187-team.ru/dz2/temp/mmm3_tease r_2.html

Momentum Missile Mayhem 3 New Teaser Video!



Privet, kak dela. A ti kto?

LOL, you will frezze my computer again.

And this time, put a download link that works...

The download link on mmm2 doesn't work since ag had a redesign. I'm too lasy to mail Daniel to fix that. I cant fix that myself.


hurry up! your so @#$%ing slow!

please tell me that we can access the pause menu from survival mode, or at least add a mode with pauses between waves to upgrade.

love the MMM seris it's on of my childhood dreams to smash and destroy stuff thank you for helping me acheive that dream can't wait for MMM3

w00t im so happy i think im gonna cry i waited a long time for this.when its made i will never clean my screen again!

I LOVE this series of yours! MMM is awesome! I cant wait for the third one.

One request; (actually more of a plea on hand and knees) Please, please, PLEASE include the ability to pause the game. I cant tell you how frustrating it is that once you start, you can't stop even if the phone rings or something. On survival mode there have been times when I was doing really really well and had lasted longer than I ever had before but then something came up that only would have taken a moment to deal with and I had to give up on my game because there is no pause feature.

I created an account just now so that I could make this request by the way.

I will

HO...LY...CRAP...AWESOME :D there lots of explosionz,wich i liek :D and the new design for the gun is AWESOME,and the tech switch is also OFF DEH HOOK :P and if its popular enough/ have enough money/know how to make console games,you could get this game ON TEH Wii!!!! :D XD :O :P,o and hurry up wit teh making plz >:( lol just kiddin XD..but seriously,hurry up :P

P.S. good luck with the making ;)

From what I can see, there isn't any dragging of the "missiles" :(. Hopefully you'll still keep some of the stuff that were in the previous series.

I might add a slingshot launcher as one of the high-score modes but I'm not planning to include it in the scenario mode.

Great progress...
Now listen;
I personally dislike when people works slow/are lazy.
So,I will try to tolerate this.But I'm not promising anything.

My patience is yours.

I have a job, you know. unrelated to flash. I also have life, I don't spend all my free time at my computer.

So liek...

How far are you now?

Have you seen Sandbox Mode in mmm2? Well I have that in mmm3, now I need to make actual levels and misc game modes.

mr.dzz its ok what ever u do with it just please make it as fast as possible (no pressure)
p.s. can tell me the date of when its going to be realeaced and thanckyou,
(with all the respect.)

nice work d^^d
im not gonna ask you to hurry up cuz half the people in the comment box already did >> i say take your time. i have 75 year left =)
umm i just hopeu are going o add a pause button.. it bugs me alot in mmm 2

nice! when it come out?


You should make that big cannon thing as unlockable. Before atchieving it you would have to fire the orb things in the same way as in MMM1 and 2 and the cannon thingy would launch pojectiles allways at full velocity without failing.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I am a very patient person so in my opinion you can take all the time you want to make the game as good as possible, I can wait.
(I'm not very good in english, I know.)

I love your games dude .
But i more prefer your SCFA .
Can you work a little faster please.
Kak dela tavaris twaje igry som haraszyje. : )

I cant wait more .
I am from POLAND
Russia forever
Rosija na wsiegda.

Your games are pretty awesome cant wait to play this.
Take your time and do it right.

i want your game..in my body.

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